Details of INWES-APNN Meeting on 21st September 2019

APNN Meeting 2019 was held on 21st September 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

21 September 20199:00-9:30Hi-tea and networking
9:30-9:35Opening of APNN meeting with a welcome remarkWISE Nepal

(Tea-break in between)
Country reportsAustralia (10 mins)
Bangladesh (10 mins)
India (10 mins)
Japan(10 mins)
Korea (10 mins)
Malaysia (10 mins)
Mongolia (10 mins)
Myanmar (10 mins)
Nepal (10 mins)
New Zealand (10 mins)
Pakistan (10 mins)
Philippines (10 mins)
Sri-Lanka (10 mins)
Singapore (10 mins)
Taiwan (10 mins)
Vietnam (10 mins)
12:00-13:00APNN Annual General Meeting with
APNN announcements, next APNN meeting and report preparation
APNN Secretary and APNN Chair supported by WISE Nepal
13:00-14:00Lunch (logistics announcements)WISE Nepal
14:00-14:30 Rest and freshen up for guided tour and evening outAPNN Chair
18:00-20:30Dinner hosted for APNN members at Nepali ChuloTo be hosted by WISE Nepal (authentic Nepali restaurant)
20:30-21:00 Back to hotel
22 September 2019Departure of international participants